
Welcome to my blog. I document my journey in health and wellness. Hope you have a nice stay!

Nature is both Perfect and all Powerful

If you believe as I do, that nature is both perfect and all powerful, you must consider how far our society has varied from it, believing we can better nature and improve such as our food, from what nature and our creator originally provided. Except for we humans, all other creatures are doing as they have always done. There was food on earth to support all species as they evolved.

The human body is an incredible creation, when you consider the abuse and wear and tear we take thru our lives. No man made machine or creation can match that perfection. As Dr Linus Pauling discovered over 100 years ago ( Dr Pauling won two Nobel prizes), it is deficiencies that cause most human illness. If a person didn’t get enough food for example or enough food types, they could be deficient of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are the building blocks of life. Vitamin C for example is so highly important and we cannot store it as we can fat, so it is not hard to be deficient in vitamin C for example. Now take our foods today, the great majority of which are, or contain gmo’s (genetically modified foods- man made), which include all the seedless fruits and vegetables ( it takes a seed to reproduce any natural plant, human or animal).  These “foods” that cannot reproduce themselves, have weaker immune systems and more chemicals are used to protect them and keep them alive. If they have a weaker immune system, we eat them and what of our immune systems…… you can get what isn’t there. Humans also were not created with parts to deal with these countless man made chemicals either and our liver and kidneys do their best to filter out these poisons to our bodies. But that is not what their primary purposes are.

Notwithstanding great medical advancements (mostly in diagnostics in my opinion), every schedule A disease is on the rise, from heart and stroke, to cancers and everything in between. Today children are vaccinated against 10 times the number of potential harms. Nature did not create all these new ailments, diseases and syndromes amongst us now.  There is little we can do individually to help ourselves, except personal food and other health choices, most of which we are all aware of (exercise, rest, enough good food and water). However there has never been a more important time in all humanity to supplement with vitamins and minerals ( full spectrum I believe best, as our bodies are easily rid of excess or any unneeded but to ensure we’re not deficient in any). Vitamin C, D3, B complex to highlight what I believe to be the most important vitamins daily. Every bit as important (given our foods and chemicals use - like chlorine in your city water, cleaning products, cosmetics, personal hygiene products, air pollution, water pollution, on our produce, fed to our food animals, plastics choking our planet, birds and fish) is Cleansing, or detoxing our organs and cells.

This is where Strauss shines bright. Strauss formulas are cleansing products, whether plaque from cholesterol in our blood system, bacteria in our kidneys, bladder and men’s prostate or our liver, clean tissues and organs are as important as ANYTHING we can do for ourselves. Prevention as with everything is wise. So you don’t have to wait until you suffer ailments, you can do so much to prevent them. No chemical man made drug claims to cure you. It requires cells you are made from to fix you, otherwise it’s like taking your vehicle to the lumber yard for repairs. “If you are not made from it, it cannot fix you”, as Jim Strauss preferred for decades. Jim was the 7th generation medicine man and herbal specialist, his son Peter the 8th. Some of the Strauss formulas are 200 years old and remain unchanged today. You need the correct ingredients in perfect proportion to create effective natural remedies. So although we can do little about the huge and some unhealthy changes in our world, we can help ourselves to mitigate harm to our bodies.

The Strauss family insists on having zero dissatisfied customers, hence their satisfaction guarantee. Safe and effective herbal formulas with ingredients you could grow in your own gardens. If you are fortunate enough to have your own home garden, consider growing produce in all the colours and use as many colours as possible in your salads, soups and recipes. There’s magic in those various colours, along with the different enzymes. Stay well and May God Bless us all.

“Health and Wellness” Podcasts Channels

National Health & Wellness Show launched with iHeart Radio!